Sex is an important part of every person's life. Medical researchers have proved that regular the whole sex prolongs youth organism, stimulates the processes of renewal and regeneration has an impact on almost all organs and systems of man.

Every man comes the time when his sexual may fail and cause doubt in the future success of intimate relationships. Often this happens with even quite young people, but it more often affects men, overcoming the obstacles of middle age. And then the men could ask the question – how to increase the power and understand this issue, you must identify the first signs of disorders of sexual function.
The first signs of the reduction of erectile function in men
In the vast majority, the first signs of erectile dysfunction in men starts after 50 years. This is due to the age changes in the body, hormonal imbalance, reducing the overall tone and the aggravation of chronic diseases.
The first symptoms began to appear such signs:
- weakening morning erection, spontaneous excitation in the presence of stimulating situations, as a consequence, the complete absence of potency;
- weak erection, difficult or not sufficient to permit sexual intercourse;
- the lack of libido and sexual desire, decreased libido;
- decrease of erection during sexual intercourse, inability to its natural end;
- too rapid ejaculation, short sexual relationships, sufficient to pay the partner.
The first manifestations of the sexual plan is not necessary to go to extremes:
- I hope this is a one-off situation, and it all goes away;
- start to panic and that it is too early to ascribe the impotence.
There are many methods of recovery of potency in men. These include, in particular, the time-tested recipes of traditional medicine, as well as many pharmacological drugs to improve the sexual power.
How to raise the potency of men?
If you have problems with potency man you need to evaluate your way of life, to review the regime and diet, attention to physical form and health. For starters, let's say, what is good for the potency of men, and what is harmful.
One of the most harmful reasons for male power is physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle. This is due to a phenomenon of stagnation of the flow of blood and lymph in the pelvic organs, which can even lead to the emergence of non-bacterial forms of prostatitis, with all the big problems. Diet is also very important to maintain men's health – abundance of fatty foods, carcinogenic substances, and lack of vitamins significantly disrupt the metabolic processes in the body, affect the endocrine organs and hormonal balance. The totality of these symptoms is particularly dangerous for men older than middle-aged.

Recommendations on how to raise the strength, after 50 years:
- Movement and exercise with the gradual increase of the load, a set of exercises to improve the pelvic circulation, is the first step to prolonging and improving the quality of sexual relations.
- For power it is very useful, nuts and seeds, which are rich in fatty acids and oils, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts. This is especially useful for the application of nuts with honey.
- Fresh fruit and vegetables – celery root, turnips, onions, garlic, carrots, must be part of the daily diet of men.
- Lean meats, preferably baked or stewed delivers required every man of the reserve protein.
- A variety of greens is a repository of vitamins for power - parsley, tarragon, cilantro, spinach, in addition to vitamins and minerals these products contain analogues of male hormones.
- If possible, include in the diet of seafood are considered natural aphrodisiacs.
Do not rush to resort to using pharmacological drugs at the the first erectile dysfunction, just pay attention to your health, nutritious food, is a combination of physical activity and leisure for the renewal of youth and harmony of sexual relations.